Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Variation on an old favorite- Fig or Plum Almond Tart

A beautiful rustic tart, a perfect summer treat!

I accidentally left Zanatto’s (the nice grocery store) without the mascarpone I needed to make my Fig Almond Tart.  By the time I realized this, Zanatto’s had closed and my only option was Safeway
.  I went to Safeway even though I KNEW they wouldn’t have what I needed.  Standing there in the cheese aisle, I decided to google mascarpone substitutes.  Most of them required double boilers and other complex processes.  Rather than stay up half the night making a sub-par mascarpone, I grabbed some whipped cream cheese and whole milk ricotta and called it a day.  I kept the same recipe I used before hand with two substitutions. Instead of the 1/3 cup mascarpone, I used 1/6 cup ricotta and 1/6 cup cream cheese.  I also decided to use peaches and figs, instead of just one fruit.  I think the recipe turned out better with these two substitutions.  The cream cheese brought a whole new flavor to the recipe that really complimented the almond paste.  If you’ve tried the first version, I suggest you try this new one too so you can decided what you like better.  Enjoy!

P.S. This substitution is what lead me to create the Strawberry Almond Chocolate Tart seen last week here.

1 comment:

  1. I had to make a second dessert, I changed my pumpkin pie recipe and they didn't set
    well. So not to have a total loss if the recipient doesn't like the texture of my
    pie, I used your recipe above but used figs and pears. I placed the pears in rum for
    a few mins. Good thing I always have almond paste in my pantry, ricotta and cream
    cheese in my refrigerator.

